Showing its support for U.S. service men and women and their families, NCL Corporation today announced a new military appreciation program that provides special reduced rates to members of the U.S. military on all NCL and NCL America sailings.
"We are pleased to offer a special rate to those who serve in our armed forces," said Andy Stuart, executive vice president of marketing, sales and passenger services for NCL. "From rock climbing walls and bowling alleys, to connecting staterooms and youth and teen facilities and programs, NCL's signature Freestyle Cruising ships provide the ideal getaway for military families to relax and spend quality time together."
NCL's military appreciation program offers qualifying active military personnel, retired personnel and veterans a reduced rate, based on sailing date and itinerary, on one stateroom per sailing. Spouses of active military members serving duty overseas are also eligible. The military appreciation program rates apply to new reservations only.
Charge to use spa pools on dawn, only inside pool.