Audiences no longer have to travel to Las Vegas, Nevada to catch a Sin City Comedy performance. The show is now part of the late-night entertainment lineup offered on Celebrity Cruise Line. Sin City Comedy is a “different” kind of comedy show, featuring a unique blend of top stand-up acts interwoven with artistic burlesque numbers. Not only will you laugh, but you'll be entertained by scantily dressed women who sing and dance!
If you think this is an odd combination of entertainment, it should be known that burlesque has been a part of comedy since its beginnings in the 1840s when half clothed women entertained audiences with bawdy jokes! Because the shows contain adult content - tastefully and entertainingly presented - they are open exclusively to guests age 18 and older.
The introduction of Sin City Comedy comes just one month after Celebrity joined forces with Billboard to launch a series of innovative, musical programs onboard. ""We're going to shake up perceptions of what shipboard entertainment is all about, with widely varied, enticing options throughout the day and night on every ship,"" says Celebrity's Director of Entertainment Eric Bohus.
Sin City Comedy will premiere aboard the Celebrity Reflection and Celebrity Silhouette. Then in May, the show rotates to the Celebrity Solstice.
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